These books are very useful resources for Bible study. In fact, each chapter is like a Bible study in itself! You can read them at your own pace, day by day, and learn the precious truths God has revealed to man. It may be helpful to print one chapter at a time, three-hole punch the pages, and place them into a binder. It is our prayer that these books will be a blessing to you in your study of God's holy word, just as they are continually a blessing to us. You may download them for free. Please print and share with others!
Click on each book title given below to read each corresponding book.
(Note: If you would like audio versions of these books, click here to contact us.)
The Great Controversy
A beautiful look at the history of the Protestant Reformation in detail, showing the results of generations of people either loving and living in obedience to God, or hating and disobeying Him. It uncovers many Bible truths that have been hidden by ministers who love money more than God; and reveals the fact that God's precious truth will always win in the end, even when the outlook seems completely to the contrary.
Daniel and the Revelation (1897)
A detailed explanation of the Bible prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, containing historical evidence for prophecies fulfilled and showing the events that are near at hand in these last days of earth's history.
Patriarchs and Prophets
This wonderful book reveals God's wise and loving plan from the beginning of time to save sinful man from the ruin which man had chosen for himself by his disobedience to God's perfect law of love and liberty. (To read the first 7 chapters, click here.)
The Desire of Ages
The best book ever written on the life of Jesus Christ (besides His word, the Bible), it tells in the most capturing, thorough manner the amazing story of Jesus' sinless life on this earth, and of the works He did. In His sinless life, He gave us an example and pattern by which we, if we choose to co-operate with Him, can have victory over temptation and sin, both past and present. He is able; we must be willing-- and He can even help us to be willing!
Christ's Object Lessons
A detailed look into the parables that Christ taught, this small book has weight as it carries the reader through the practical Biblical meaning of the well-known representations given by Jesus.
Steps to Christ
This is a simple and beautiful explanation of God's plan to save us from our sins. It shows the Gospel in such plainness that none need err from the truth. It shows how to become a true follower of Jesus Christ, how to overcome sin and live a new life of obedience to His precepts. Find hope and peace as you read and endeavor to be Christ's follower.
Below is the option to read Steps to Christ chapter by chapter.
Chapter 1 - God's Love for Man
Chapter 2 - The Sinner's Need of Christ
Chapter 3 - Repentance
Chapter 4 - Confession
Chapter 5 - Consecration
Chapter 6 - Faith and Acceptance
Chapter 7 - The Test of Discipleship
Chapter 8 - Growing Up Into Christ
Chapter 9 - The Work and the Life
Chapter 10 - A Knowledge of God
Chapter 11 - The Privilege of Prayer
Chapter 12 - What to Do with Doubt
Chapter 13 - Rejoicing in the Lord
More books coming soon!